Het piekt toch een beetje… Wat had ik graag op BETT 2025 gestaan – dé ontmoetingsplek waar innovatieve EdTech-oplossingen ons onderwijs kunnen transformeren. Shoutout to edtechstation en de Belgische delegatie!
Flashback naar mijn tijd bij Plantyn, waar we met het Informat team Beleidswijzer op de kaart zetten: een data-analysetool die inzichten biedt over leerlingen en personeel. Toen begon het me écht te dagen: de immense, vaak onbenutte impact van schoolondersteuning op leersucces.
We staan op een kruispunt. Onderwijs wankelt en moet écht transformeren. Minister Zuhal Demir legt druk op koepels, ouders, onderwijsdiensten en leveranciers, verbiedt gsm’s op school (hoezee!) – maar waar blijft de visie? Waar staan we voor? Willen we enkel verstandige mensen? Of juist meer slimme, weerbare mensen?
Wetgevende complexiteit, organisatie, en een verlammende tijd- en planlast leiden de sector af van wat écht belangrijk is. De houding van leerlingen en ouders tegenover onderwijsprofessionals verscherpt de uitdagingen. En schoolbesturen, vaak uit de leerpraktijk gegroeid, missen de managementervaring die nodig is om te ondernemen.
Het is tijd voor een ommezwaai. Landen zoals Finland tonen wat mogelijk is. Maar hoe maken we die lessen relevant voor Vlaanderen?
De sleutel? Samenwerken. Niet vrijblijvend, maar met een gedeelde missie, gevoed door data en visie. We moeten durven dromen én doen – scholen, leerkrachten, beleidsmakers, technologiebedrijven en nieuwe perspectieven van buitenaf samenbrengen. Een systeem creëren dat niet alleen cijfers, maar ook mensen laat bloeien.
Onderstaand schrijfsel is slechts een startpunt. Een uitnodiging om samen het verschil te maken. Onderwijs is meer dan een instituut – het is de basis van onze toekomst. Daar zijn het alvast allemaal over eens, toch?
Unleashing the Potential of Education: How to Focus on Impact
I’m Tim, and through my journey across various sectors and experiences, I’ve cultivated insights that I believe can contribute to making education an instrument for nation-building. Education shapes not only individuals but also the communities and societies we live in. It is the cornerstone of a thriving, equitable future.
I want to share my vision, but more importantly, I want to engage with you—teachers, school leaders, policymakers, and the broader education ecosystem. This vision is not perfect, nor does it claim to be. It’s a starting point, a framework that invites collaboration and refinement. Together, we can shape a better future for education in Flanders.
The Challenge: A System in Need of Transformation
Why do so many students, teachers, and schools feel unsupported in an era where education should be our greatest tool for progress? What holds us back from creating systems that work for everyone? Too often, we prioritize short-term performance metrics over fostering the attitudes and mindsets necessary for sustainable growth.
The result? Standardized systems that fail to nurture unique strengths. Policies that focus on perfectionism over creativity. Schools where well-being is sacrificed for academic outcomes. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
A Vision for Change: Learning from Finland
Finland’s education system offers a powerful example of what’s possible. Their success isn’t just about their consistent top rankings in PISA scores—it’s about how they’ve created an ecosystem where well-being and academic excellence coexist. Finnish schools prioritize:
High-quality teaching driven by autonomy and professional development.
Policies that reduce stress and foster intrinsic motivation.
Holistic support systems, including student welfare teams, that address emotional, social, and academic needs.
These principles provide a roadmap for Flanders. How can we adapt these ideas to our unique context? What would it take to create a system where students, teachers, and schools feel empowered to thrive?
Core Principles: Empowering the Three Pillars of Education
To transform education, we must address the needs of its three central personas: pupils, teachers, and schools.
For Pupils: Every child has untapped potential waiting to be nurtured. Let’s create personalized learning environments that focus on character development, intrinsic motivation, and the freedom to explore. How can we ensure that every student feels valued and supported?
For Teachers: Teachers are the cornerstone of this transformation. By reducing administrative burdens, granting autonomy, and offering continuous professional development, we can empower them to focus on meaningful relationships with students. What resources do teachers need to bring out their best?
For Schools: Schools must be environments where growth thrives. Through strong leadership practices, simplified workflows, and collaborative systems, we can foster innovation and efficiency. How can we create schools where every stakeholder has a voice?
Building Motivation: Structures That Support Growth
Motivation isn’t something we demand—it’s something we cultivate. This begins with scaffolding, temporary support systems that help learners tackle challenges they might otherwise find insurmountable. By providing the right guidance at the right time, we unlock resilience and growth.
Deliberate Play: Structured yet enjoyable learning fosters passion and prevents burnout. How can we redesign learning experiences to make growth exciting and fulfilling?
Interleaving: Alternating between skills builds adaptability and deep understanding. How can we create curricula that embrace variety and engagement?
The Heart of Learning: Reading, Writing, and Listening
At the core of any educational approach are three skills: reading, writing, and listening. Together, they form the foundation for personal and academic growth.
Reading nurtures curiosity and comprehension.
Writing fosters critical thinking by exposing gaps in knowledge and logic.
Listening enhances understanding and empathy, essential for collaboration.
How can we ensure these skills are taught not as ends but as tools for lifelong learning?
A Call for Collaboration
This vision needs leaders, teachers, innovators, and communities to bring it to life. It needs the engagement of those who are committed to creating real legacy—a better future for our children. I invite everyone—educators, policymakers, EdTech innovators, and researchers—to join the conversation.
Let’s work together to fine-tune these ideas, enrich them with research, and align them with the realities of our education ecosystem. Share your insights, questions, and expertise. Together, we can build an education system that truly serves all learners and prepares them to thrive in a complex world.
Let’s shape the future of Flemish education—together.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for contributing.
Kind regards,
Tim De Coninck